Hari ini kami ke Lucerne, yang juga dieja sebagai "Luzern" dengan menaiki tren panoramic GoldenPass Line Interlaken-Lucerne. Pemegang Swiss Family Pass tidak dikenakan sebarang bayaran tambahan. Tren biasa juga menggunakan laluan sama (Interlaken-Lucerne) cuma tren GoldenPass Line adalah lebih ekspress, tidak berhenti di semua stesen yang ada di laluan dan juga tidak perlu bertukar tren. Ia juga merupakan panoramic tren di mana cermin tren lebih luas dari tren biasa bagi menikmati pemandangan luar di sepanjang perjalanan. Berikut adalah video youtube untuk memberi sedikit gambaran mengenai GoldenPass Line Interlaken Lurcerne.
We took GoldenPass Line Interlaken-Lucerne panoramic train to Lucerne (also know as "Luzern"), an express train, from Interlaken. Regular train also travels the same railway line from Interlaken to Lucerne (and back), only that it stops at almost all stations along the line and may involve a change of train to reach final destination. Panoramic train has larger window glass for panoramic viewing along the journey. Swiss Family Pass holders ride the GoldenPass Line train for free.
We took GoldenPass Line Interlaken-Lucerne panoramic train to Lucerne (also know as "Luzern"), an express train, from Interlaken. Regular train also travels the same railway line from Interlaken to Lucerne (and back), only that it stops at almost all stations along the line and may involve a change of train to reach final destination. Panoramic train has larger window glass for panoramic viewing along the journey. Swiss Family Pass holders ride the GoldenPass Line train for free.
Beberapa keping foto semasa di dalam perjalan pergi balik Interlaken-Lucerne... (some photos along the journey). Berada di bumi Swiss seolah-olah memasuki ke dalam lukisan alam yang sangat cantik.. menoleh ke kiri, kanan dan setiap penjuru alam semuanya tak puas mata memandang, cantiknya ciptaan Maha Pencipta dengan segala nikmatNya...
Sesampainya di Lucerne, kami terus ke Tourist Information Center yang berada dalam kawasan sekitar station Lucerne. Pada mulanya kami ingin ambil masa untuk bertanya dan menyusun lawatan di sekitar Lucerne, tetapi petugas tourist information center tu beria-ia menyuruh kami mengejar tren ke Titlis yang akan berlepas dalam masa kurang dari 10 minit lagi dari landasan yang paling hujung (ambil masa juga untuk berjalan kaki ke landasan tersebut). "Go up to Titlis first, it is very nice weather today. Then come back here after Titlis, we'll talk about the wooden bridge, boat cruise and other. Go now!", katanya.
As soon as we reached Lucerne, we headed straight to the Tourist Information Center to gather some information to plan our visits. The center is within Lucerne station/bahnhof. However, the tourist information officer urged us to catch the next train to Engelberg which was due to depart in less than 10 minutes. "Go up to Titlis first, it is very nice weather today. Then come back here after Titlis, we'll talk about the wooden bridge, boat cruise andother. Go now!" she urged.
Titlis, Engelberg
Sebenarnya, seperti juga Stockhorn Titlis tidak pun termasuk dalam rancangan asal kami. Kami target Jungfraujoch (puncak tertinggi Eropah) sahaja sementara yang lain-lain tu hanyalah sekadar bonus trip sekiranya masa mengizinkan.
Perjalanan tren dari stesen Lucerne ke Engelberg mengambil masa lebih dari sejam setengah dengan kekerapan setiap satu jam sekali (pada musim sejuk). Dari sana ada bas ke Titlis Talstation (stesen kereta kabel). Pemegang Swiss Family Pass tidak perlu membuat apa-apa bayaran tambahan untuk menaiki pengangkutan ke Titlis, kecuali tiket kereta kabel di mana pemegang Swiss Family Pass akan diberikan diskaun sebanyak 50% dari harga tiket biasa.
The journey from Lucerne to Engelberg took more than an hour and a half train ride. The train frequency was every one hour (during winter season) and again Swiss Family Pass holders ride the train (and bus) for free. At Engelberg station, there are frequent buses to ferry visitors to Titlis Talstation (cable car station). Swiss Family Pass holder will get a 50% discount for cable car ride.
The journey from Lucerne to Engelberg took more than an hour and a half train ride. The train frequency was every one hour (during winter season) and again Swiss Family Pass holders ride the train (and bus) for free. At Engelberg station, there are frequent buses to ferry visitors to Titlis Talstation (cable car station). Swiss Family Pass holder will get a 50% discount for cable car ride.
Beberapa foto pemandangan dari dalam kereta kabel semasa menaiki puncak.. (some photos on the way up)
Salahsatu kereta kabel yang digunakan,... (the cable car bearing Malaysian's flag)
Bertukar kepada kereta kabel yang lebih besar, Titlis Rotair yang akan berpusing 360 darjah dalam tempoh 5 minit trip ke puncak, menyajikan pemandangan panoramic.. (the second leg up, visitors ride a larger 360 degree panoramic viewing cable car to the top)
Di kemuncak Titlis.. terasa lebih sejuk dari Stockhorn maupun Jungfraujoch kerana keadaan yang berangin. (at the peak, we experienced colder weather temperature compared to Stockhorn and even, Jungfraujoch)

Menyusuri jambatan gantung.. (hanging bridge)
Ini satu lagi cara untuk menikmati pemandangan dengan menaiki ice flyer. Kami tidak menaikinya kerana boleh terbayang kesejukannya nanti kerana keadaan kereta kabel yang terbuka. Bayarannya ialah .. CHF12 (?) seorang untuk perjalanan turun dan naik semula.
The another cable car ride, to and fro, from the top to certain area below. We did not take the ride considering the cold air temperature when riding the "open" (non-enclosed) cable car. There was a separate charge (CHF12? per person, return) to ride the car.

Di kawasan pekan yang berdekatan dengan stesen tren sambil ketibaan tren untuk balik semula ke Lucerne. (wandering about the town at Engelberg train station while waiting the arrival of the train to go back to Lucerne)
Lucerne/Luzern menyambut kedatangan para pelawat, dengan binaan pintu gerbang di bahagian luar stesen. ("Welcoming" landmark just outside Lucerne bahnhof)
Antara tarikan utama di sini adalah jambatan kayu yang dikenali sebagai Chapel Bridge & Water Tower, menjadi sebahagian dari struklur lama dari kurun 16 masehi yang masih ujud. Sedikit keterangan mengenainya boleh dibaca di SINI.
One of the main attraction in Lucerne is the Chapel Bridge & Water Tower, first constructed well in the 16th century. More information can be read HERE.

Berjalan ke Chapel Bridge, yang tidak tidak jauh dari stesen Lucerne. (The Chapel Bridge was not very far from Lucerne bahnhof)

Salahsatu perkhidmatan boat/cruise yang tidak sempat kami naiki kerana sudah menjelang malam. Lagipun perkhidmatan boat/cruise di tasik Lucerne ini tidak banyak dalam musim sejuk.
We did not get the chance to ride the boat/cruise in Lucerne as there was not enough time due to shorter daylight hours and less frequent services during winter season.

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