Bahagian kedua GoldenPass panoramic tren dari Interlaken ke Montreux (bahagian pertama kami sebelum ini adalah dari Interlaken ke Lucerne. Perjalanan penuh line tren GoldenPass panoramic adalah dari Montreux ke Lucerne (atau sebaliknya) seperti yang digambarkan oleh video di bawah ini:-
Our second leg of GoldenPass panoramic from Interlaken to Montreux (earlier post, our first leg of GoldenPass line from Interlaken to Lucerne. The overall GoldenPass line (Montreux - Lurcerne, vice-versa via Interlaken) is as depicted in the following video:-
Tidak seperti GoldenPass dari Interlaken ke Lucerne, di mana kami tidak perlu bertukar tren, line dari Interlaken ke Montreux ini bermula dengan regional express train ke Zweisimmen dahulu, kemudian barulah bertukar kepada tren panoramic untuk seterusnya ke Montreux.
Unlike Interlaken-Lucerne GoldenPass line where we did not have to change train, the Interlaken-Montreux GoldenPass line consist of an express regional train from Interlaken to Zweisimmen where we change over to the panoramic train for onward journey to Montreux.

Antara photo-photo perjalanan dari Interlaken - Zweisimmen - Montreux (tidak mengikut turutan). Some photos along the route

Nak rakam awan berbentuk "A" (tak perasan pulak kalau-kalau ada jet yang buat kepulan asap waktu itu). Clouds forming the letter "A"? We did not notice any jet in the sky at that moment...

Satu kawasan yang menarik, (kalau tak silap) semasa menghampiri stesen Chamby, di mana terdapat awan rendah atau kabus meliputi kawasan. Teringat pula movie The Fog semasa keretapi berhenti sebentar di stesen Chamby ini.
A beautiful foggy environment as we approached Chamby, (if not mistaken), reminding us the movie, The Fog.
A beautiful foggy environment as we approached Chamby, (if not mistaken), reminding us the movie, The Fog.
Montreux - Sementara bahagian Switzerland disebelah Lucerne adalah merupakan bahagian "German-speaking-Swiss",Montreux pula adalah bahagian "French-speaking-Swiss". Switzerland mempunyai 4 bahasa rasmi iaitu German (74%), French (21%), Itali (4%)dan Rumantsch (1%), peratusan penggunaan dalam braket.
Montreux - While majority of the Swiss are German-speaking, Montreux is the part where most of the Swiss speaks French. There are 4 national/official languages of Switzerland which are German (74%), French (21%), Italian (4%) and Rumantsch (1%), the figure in bracket represent the percentage of language usage through out Switzerland.

Christmas Market Montreux adalah merupakan acara tahunan di Montreux Noel yang bermula sebulan sebelum sambutan krismas.
Christmas Market Montreux is held annually at Montreux Noel, starting a month before the Christmas eve.
Lake Geneva

Gruyere cheese factory

Keretapi berhenti di stesen di seberang jalan di hadapan kilang keju Gruyere. Gruyere gare/station is just across the cheese factory.

Kilang keju...the cheese factory..

Semasa sampai hari dah hampir petang, lawatan ke dalam tempat keju dihasilkan telahpun ditutup. The date was already late when we arrived. The place where they process the cheese had already closed for visitors.

Kami tidak sempat untuk ke kilang cokelat Cailler yang tidak berapa jauh dari Gruyere kerana hari sudah gelap. Kami mengambil jalan keretapi lain menerusi Bulle - Fribourg - Bern untuk balik semula ke Spiez malam itu.
There's another attraction nearby which was the Cailler chocolate factory. It was already dark and the factory was already closed as we were finishing our cheese factory visit. We took a different route to Spiez that night via Bulle - Fribourg - Bern.

Promosi Grand Train Tour (Glacier Express) di pusat penerangan pelancong di Montreux. Glacier Express, adalah penutup tirai lawatan kami ke Switzerland 2016.
The Glacier Express which was our final Switzerland 2016 itinerary, being promoted at Montreux tourist information center.
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